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Monday, November 24, 2014

Being Broken. </3

bro·ken heart
  1. used in reference to a state of extreme grief or sorrow, typically caused by the death of a loved one or the ending of a romantic relationship.

The one thing I hurt the most about is seeing someone "break" another person. To take that joy and security as if it never meant anything in the first place. Being broken isn't a death sentence, i promise. Believe it or not everyone has experienced this more than once in their lives and you're not alone. Look at  yourself and know that you are worthy. Know that you will always be beautiful, even when that person is not around anymore to tell you so. Love yourself like no ones watching. These sounds so cliche but once you start to apply it to your life and put your pride aside, your peace will come. Don't dwell on a broken heart, feel your chest and know that the Lord has chosen you to breathe another breath of life that that person could not take from you. Don't hate yourself for not moving on ,give yourself time to be yourself and to feel real emotions because if you don't do it now you will never move on. Being broken is a GROWTH process. The key word is GROW. Growing should be your only goal. Yes, you will have set backs but that is only apart of the process. Find a passion and be passionate! Love you and what you do. In this moment is when you will find joy through being broken. Faith plays a huge part of your process as well. 

Hebrews 11:111 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

Knowing that your greater is coming without seeing it is what faith is all about. Letting go of your SELF negativity. Yes, i said self. Too many times we let ourselves think that its others bringing us down when a lot of times we are bring our own selves. Being positive and letting self know that you are a queen or king is all that matters. A broken heart doesn't compare to the amazing person you are becoming.


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