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Friday, October 31, 2014

How to Date a Busy Woman.

I've come to realize in our generation women are taking to the cake as the bread winner and have no shame is saying she has her own. We have our own cars, apartments/houses, and multiple jobs; the things our grandmothers may have needed a man for we can now do for ourselves.That being said , many men can be intimidated in having a women that has a lot, in their eyes, maybe even too much going for her. Well guys here are my tip on how to date us busy women out there :).

  1. Have your own- Nothing is more attractive than to see a guy TRYING to achieve greatness. As long as you are putting out an honest effort to have your own it will make us more comfortable in having you as a partner. 
  2. Be understanding- We may not always be able to be where you want us to be due to our schedules but if we honestly care for you, not once will you ever feel unloved. As  busy women we appreciate the men who stick by our sides because we know its not easy.
  3. Be supportive- Have our back ! come to our events, our jobs anything that is important to us. It honestly means the world and of course we would return the favor.
  4. Be a partner in crime-Collaborate, Give one another ideas. Be come a team.
  5. Remind her she is loved- As a woman it is hard to be strong in the world we live in. Whether its the male dominance that is discouraging us or other women discouraging, it always feels good to know that you always have someone reminding you to carry on.
  6. Spend time- Don't let your girl get too busy that she forgets about the relationship. Always try to find time out of the both of your schedules to spend time with one another. Don't just do something lame like going out to dinner, do something fun.. remind yourselves why you even started dating in the first place.
Hope this helps guys <3


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