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Thursday, July 3, 2014

I reluctantly write this post. I prayed about this post actually. I prayed that it would come across in a positive way, I don't want this post to represent my life or anyone else's life that I know but here my opinion on love. Love is amazing, one of the most amazing feelings you can ever feel and if you have yet to feel it , don't worry it's coming.Love is beautiful but eventually it gets real. Love is demanding, compromising... and as we all know it can hurt. Love requires FAITH. Faith in God and faith not in just the other person and faith in yourself. Loving yourself the way God intended. If ever a person makes you question what you can offer when you have given your all then at this moment you need to talk to God ask him , "am I doing all I can do ,?" and when the Lord speaks, you may not hear words but it is LOUD.. you feel it in your heart.I cannot tell you what decisions to make when it comes to staying in a relationship or not but I can tell you to do what gives you ultimate peace. If a person is not doing you right in a relationship don't retaliate, as good as it may feel in the moment to hurt that person, eventually you will be the only one hurt when you try to get revenge. I promise it isn't worth it. Now don't be dragged ! As i once heard , you either walk away or get dragged. This meaning you can gather yourself, your thoughts and walk away with peace. Getting dragged refers to constant arguing, constantly being depressed, constantly  WAITING. What exactly are you waiting for ? Just think about it. God will never "drag" you . Okay lets shift if you are the person doing the wrong ask yourself these questions , is it worth it? what if he/she walks out my life forever? depending on what you think about will tell you whether or not you are actually in love with the person you claim you love. Understand .... you have another persons heart in your hands and the simplest thing you do can rip that person apart. When it could be a lot more simple , realize you are making life difficult for that other person when it could be so can be so happy with that person if you are willing to grow up and be a man/woman. Think about if that person has been there for you , the time they put into you when they did not have to ..purely because they love you. When you think about your future and you think about the moment you see your wife/husband to be down the aisle looking amazing, and nervous at the same time because you two are about to spend the rest of their life together and everything you've ever done to them to hurt them,in that moment it all goes away because you and that person are finally confessing your love for one another in front of God and everyone else in your life, if you see that person that you are doing wrong need to reevaluate your actions. Marriage is about feeling comfort , feeling trust and love. Those things are built overtime therefore these years are crucial ! so important. Yes, I understand ..we are young but we are also building our futures and even if this person is not who you are to be with...what actions are you doing now to ensure that you can even meet that person and do them right. Long story short if you are in love with a person SHOW THEM , tell them, never make them for one second feel unloved and this goes for both parties. Life is so short. If that person was gone tomorrow can you ensure that you were everything you could possibly have been to that person?  Love has no in between , it is black and white. We as a generation is letting there be gray areas when there shouldn't be. Dont settle on being a MAIN or even a side chick ... and bae ? if you are comfortable being a bae to another person you have to understand that that person may not be seeing u as anything higher than a bae cause saying you are a bae is saying you are comfortable with having no title . We honestly need to grow up. I'm ending this blog post saying if you are in love with a person dont hold back give them everything , your all , do right by them before it is too late , pray to God about them ...and if you can't then let them go,let them be great .

I love this song, makes me cry every time ... Love is real and amazing , when it's done the right way.


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